Friday, March 9, 2012

wot power leveling and seriously resolve in future work. - YXU

129745848234631250_211Guizhou minority civil servants in the problem of a declining trend, caused a few days ago in Guizhou province leaders and relevant departments attach great importance to, Deputy Liu Xiaokai, Governor in the provincial government's fifth national work at the joint meeting requested the departments concerned to investigate wot power leveling, and take practical measures and preferential policies to address entry problem of minority civil servants, successors of the civil service to ensure that ethnic minorities.Requests from many nationalities in Guizhou province wot power leveling, and on the basis of the existing policy, to sit for national and non-national candidates of ethnic minority candidates to the appropriate department posts and taken care of. Deputy Sun Baohua, Director of the Office of human resources and social security in Guizhou province world of tanks power leveling, referring to the personnel training in minority areas, concluded that current national employment in total contradiction with the structural contradictions are still saved, Personnel work in smaller, the total level of talent resources and shortage of skilled talent, irrational structure issues, minority ethnic areas and issues such as human resources and social security statistics system is not perfect, you need to attach great importance to, and seriously resolve in future work.

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