Monday, March 12, 2012

world of tanks power leveling Mind trading tactics tips - BGS

129756342022812500_10Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund market for micro-blogging news blog live small company stocks the major new share placements by gem new third sector brokers New York themesBulletin deal prompted the financial calendar of earnings release memo block trade in thousands of shares of financial market Center collection of funds flowing to new share purchase financing microblogging unit gather Forum pioneer financial management training-Jin Lizheng stock hexun's column in the daily limit > body print RSSFont size-March 07, 2012 from: hexun shares author: Jin Lizheng Jin Ri trading real recorded the soul (Dragon) "2012.3.7" by investors in Nanyang city, Henan province on Wednesday, March 7, 2012 shine on Greece debt worries affect,6th New York stocks fell sharply, stock index both fell more than three 1%, its biggest one-day drop since this year. This word sounds scary, stocks haven't been down since 2012, decrease of 1.5% have become the biggest one-day drop. But we see that shares how performance? Lower high. It just goes to show the market that sometimes it is quite rational,Benjamin Graham said, the market most of the time are rational, but occasionally lost his temper, make mistakes, make mistakes is the perfect time for investment in the market, Soros and Buffett knew quite well road. Economic slowdown in the stock market will fall right? GUI haoming, analyst at shenyin wanguo's Chief today such an idea, personally, I very much agree with his articleOpinion and analysis in the article. ����Indeed, if the stock market at high levels the economic slowdown, it will certainly lead to price declines but in today's stock market was low, short-term economic slowdown will have an impact, but it is certainly in favour of the medium and long term, Governments are pragmatic, this slowdown is also very user-friendly. Yesterday I mentioned the concern turnover, today received a positive quantity, unitAlso has gone up, so trading volume continues to be of concern for tomorrow, see if turnover Yang will than it is today. In addition, the stock index breakdown today 20th of equal-string support, seem to be short in a precarious position, but our rational, shorter than the 20-day averages and averages are there? No, further down, the shortest average leaves 30-day moving average world of tanks power leveling, that's larger than the 20th,30th is the distance above the average stock index recently international 120-day moving average line the line of Bull and bear markets, finally stand line in the first half, is very easy to do? Besides, what time period the SEF, if a broken half lines during two sessions, it will be forced, it must be the people angry, but will let the wrath of the Government. 38-day moving average and the 74-day moving average on the technology isGold forks, 38 days average up close to the 120-day moving average, adjustment of the index now is very normal, down close to the 120-day moving average line and, of course, it is close to 38 days average. If the 120-day moving average and 38 days of equal-string gold forks, stock indices and adjustments in this location in place, what's to come, I'm not saying you should have understood it. For select stocks nowM index seems to do, but haven't finalized if you didn't make the m head, now m-conclusion, should rebound at any time reverse v or w the end, that is not a dumb man eating the coptis, drop glasses, so adjust time but should maintain a cautious attitude, focus may generate new opportunities, rather than dispose of it. So, may wish to focus on the gains are still under noOr has already built quality for end-end of v, w in blue chips and small blue chip, once a market Reversal, main of these stocks are back, quietly in the diary tells you that already have super money secret advantage! Therefore, actually is a lot of fun things falling wot power leveling, we will also have the new cartridge the opportunity, not unhappy, in front of my diaryShort-term risk judgment for a long time, profit, or not see the future I is to remind you of the first withdrawal, observation, and then decide whether or not to participate. But the law is the law, low start up when access to small and medium-sized funds, when the super funds in high time to start jiancang, small and medium-sized Fund began actively participating in. Facing the law, I can offer noWhat, I can't do a Savior world of tanks power leveling, not Purdue sentient beings, only a diary and networking in the classroom to get to know somebody, help willing to learn as much as possible to improve their people, willing to spend time and costs of certain people, people willing to support Jin Lizheng. Amitabha! ����Is 38 women's day tomorrow, here in advance I wish happy holidays the beauty! Mind trading tactics tips:We learn trading method you want to change is on the rising trend of the soul does not fear do not doubt the confidence, caution on the downward trend, doubt, happy.

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