Sunday, March 25, 2012

tera gold with good circulation. In transaction mode full - BYB

129764484659687500_52"" Financial report "according to flush IFIND data and statistics, as of March 15, the Trojan has 70 listed companies planning to issue corporate bonds, developed offering total 109.46 billion yuan. Which, has completed the issuance of corporate bonds has 21, issue size reaches $ 40.68 billion, $ 34.74 billion over the same period last year increased 17.09%。 Related news: regulators would pursue debt relief companies promoting the development of bond markets corporate bonds is expected to pilot of the interest tax registration system or piloted steel hongxing issued during the year does not exceed 3 billion of corporate bonds by 700 million corporate bond issuance programme approved by the Commission, in fact, in the private placement market and monetary tightening continuing at either end of the crowdedUnder pressure, relying on the issuance of corporate bonds supplies will undoubtedly become the preferred financing of listed companies. On March 16 diablo 3 power leveling, according to 21st century business Herald said tera gold, China Securities credit ratings securities industry association professional Committee member Zhou Yuanfan pointed out that "it shows at the country developing under the policy of promoting the company's bonds, corporate bonds, size ' on schedule ' surging sharply. "" Corporate bondsWas in large part due to the development of policies to promote. SFC last year a number of initiatives to promote development of corporate bonds, such as the establishment of working group on bonds, achieve the specialist post; compression bond approval process, using batch processing; open green channel and so on.   "Zhou Yuanfan said. "Compared to other bonds, corporate bonds has incomparable advantages. In terms of financing costs, the companyInterest rate is determined by the issuer of the debt and sponsors through the market determined price, really reflect market supply and demand; on the release date, currently approved for registration of corporate bonds for 2 months, just to be completed within 6 months after the approval of the company's bonds issued for the first time, the remaining quantity issue is completed within 24 months, so publishers can offer the opportunity of funding needs, the spiritUse to raise money.   "Zhou Yuanfan said. "In addition, the corporate bonds geared to the whole public offering wide range of investors, with good circulation. In transaction mode full diablo 3 gold, existing inquiry transactions in corporate bonds, and broker transactions, meet the needs of all kinds of deals.   "Zhou Yuanfan said. Behind the madness of listed companies to issue bonds, are eager to repay maturingAll liabilities. Has published annual report of 10 indicators of corporate debt, total non-current liabilities due within one year had reached $ 2.777 billion.   If the indicator to expand to three quarters of last year, the published index of 38 companies together, "non-current liabilities due within one year" has reached 28.698 billion yuan. This also means, of the 38Companies face nearly 30 billion dollars a year needed to repay debt. Under increasing debt pressure, issued some relatively weak private enterprises listed companies in order to successfully to raise debt, had to choose upgrade coupon. "Author: the magazine Roundup" (Editor: Xuemei) Others:

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