Sunday, March 18, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling the Sun will remain as a separate company to release a poor results - BYO

This morning, the media reported that the United States investment research firm Sanford Bernstein analyst thinks, for $1500000000 in operating profit growth diablo 3 power leveling, Oracle or the Sun adjustments, shed 15000, accounted for almost 50% of Sun staff.In addition, the EU earlier this month has been on the Oracle's purchase of Sun trade investigation.In the next 90 days, the European Union on the deal were carefully evaluated diablo 3 power leveling, until January 19, 2010.This means that in the next 2 seasons, the Sun will remain as a separate company to release a poor results, further increasing the difficulty of achieving the goal of oracle.SUN of a Chinese company executives in an interview that the web diablo 3 power leveling, so far SUN China and China as well as Oracle Oracle belong to different operation state, no matter how the changing market at present, SUN China will still promise and performance of previously signed with the customer's terms of service, and is not influenced by the company with any influence.At the same time, he also said, the current SUN China still no layoffs.

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