Monday, March 12, 2012

world of tanks power leveling auroral peep - TIQ

Tide of the Xiaogao that take the land is in counteract year after year today after appearing September, appear again nowadays. The real estate that enrol business opened up on December 21 endowment 3.4 billion after Wuhan takes the land, take the land in Qingdao again yesterday. In the meantime, first share also announcement opens up endowment 100 million the land is taken in calabash island, fang Xinghe is changed to protect bottom real estate to also move in succession in. Landed company goes against city to take the land, also had appeared 2008. Below the condition that in estate macroscopical adjusting control does not loosen, inside the industry " big fish has small fish " already showed clue, while governmental near future is reducing safeguard room new go into operation, bring up again assures a flatlet credit. Monida's researcher Shi Qi expresses, balance the contradiction that landed adjusting control and investment glide, if pass the adjusting control that move delay to solve, landed hopeful takes the lead in rebounding and drive relevant industry catenary board piece rise, if ensure room investment to solve through strengthening, relevant industry catenary will jump over real estate board piece and be benefited. Below tide of the Xiaogao that take the land, have pass the winter of company impawn equity yesterday, enrol announcement of business real estate, heart of the embellish in making over means to was bought recently with equity the equity of 51% , embellish heart becomes a company to control share company in. Embellish heart has Shandong to visit in relief area of Qingdao city town in the access of 4 land. Plot covers an area of an area to add up to 321 wot power leveling, 454 square metre, utility all uses the land for commercial finance. It is before a week, announcement of the real estate that enrol business says to still be in Wuhan 3.41 billion yuan of contest get denounce endowment plot of ABC3 of ink Hunan bank. And with day, first share also announcement says this company suffers the calabash island that lets calabash island hit support of the people of division of fishing hill garden to invest limited company hold estate of first grand peaceful develops limited company the share of 30% , in order to finish pair of calabash islands of grand peaceful hundred accuse. Buy capital not to exceed 105 million yuan. Enter December, landed company looks be like lift the small climax that copies a bottom to take the land. On December 20, the treasure in new lake accuses course of study of buy of bright phearl of new lake of share company Shenyang to get Shenyang city Yu Hong district to involve lot of domestic village north with 175 million yuan of contest, contest purchase price 1106 yuan / building M2. On December 19, fang Xinghe be in harmony is changed to achieve a group to cooperate first in center look forward to take the land, take next sunny areas to come with 3.067 billion yuan price wide battalion lives reach commercial finance plot. With day, the real estate that protect interest takes the land in Shijiazhuang with 2.022 billion yuan. As contrary as this is, a few landed companies that lack cash should rely on equity impawn to had endured a winter. Appropriate China real estate controls a partner appropriate China enterprise (group) limited company its hold appropriate China real estate makes work indefinitely of the condition current 25 million (in occupying the 7.716%) impawn that holds share to give sincere company of fiducial and finite liability. Land sale is cool, landed industry will deepen conformity " land market is compared all the time cool, the price of sell one's own things of land and excessive price are led under in former years. " analyst of real estate of business of a certificate expresses Shenzhen, many room look forward to what building city sells low ebb period regards the main chance that takes the land as, especially a few high grade plot, the room look forward to of not rare actual strength all hopes to be purchased with current low. According to data of information of Chinese index academy, market of land of 20 main cities appears last week low confuse condition, roll out of all kinds land in all 295, relatively before a week increases 32, aggregate roll out land surface to accumulate 1.66 million square metre, relatively before a week reduces 930 thousand square metre. Clinch a deal in all last week of all kinds land 132, relatively before a week increases 22, clinch a deal land acreage is total 4.96 million square metre, relatively before a week reduces 690 thousand square metre. Local face is used in the residence, 20 when monitor last week main cities roll out 116 in all world of tanks power leveling, relatively before a week increases 51, roll out a face to accumulate 5.18 million square metre, relatively before a week increases 1.33 million square metre; The residence clinchs a deal with the ground last week 41, relatively before a week reduces 1, clinch a deal area 2.28 million square metre, relatively before a week reduces 760 thousand square metre. Be in not long ago, lin Shaobin of president of the real estate that enrol business ever expressed, in give priority to development project from high-end residence project after changing much breed real estate to the pattern that project synchronism develops, company dimensions and sale level were obtained relatively promote substantially. Subsequently, he Jianya of company general manager also points out, the chance on land market is not at present little, do not agree with the strategy that abandons taking the land now. The company is pledging to actor plot undertakes admitting to be chosen really, will not for some time there will be active operation on land market. To this, week road expresses silver-colored international researcher in, below the condition that in estate macroscopical adjusting control does not loosen, inside the industry " big fish has small fish " already showed clue, predicting future of market of substance of a few months adjust and the conformity of the industry will be deepened further. Policy fine tuning, auroral peep? Additional, notable is, the policy of estate adjusting control of the near future has the sign of partial get warm again after a cold spell. "While governmental near future reduces safeguard room new go into operation, bring up again assures a flatlet credit, the report on certain level makes known his position to give a government to undertaking optimizing to early days policy related. " the sea connects analyst of industry of negotiable securities real-estate to besmear Li Lei expresses, this is close a year half since administrative layer is right of residential demand make known this position actively first. Look into 2012, the government is treated common housing and just needed hopeful to appear slant gentle manner. Stability just needed, reasonable release begin to be new trend of later period policy. Plan of safeguard room new go into operation was reduced from 10 million 2012 after reaching 7 million, the sea connects negotiable securities to predict to ensured a room to invest dimensions to will be in 2012 1 trillion the left and right sides, the 15%(2011 that is equivalent to investing dimensions 2011 year according to) of computation of 6.2 trillion investment. Accordingly, safeguard room invested 2012 still can certain level invests speed of fall after a rise to developing commodity house, it is pair of strong capability only somewhat abate. From a few landed bibcock go in light of situation, come from October 20 yesterday closing quotation, card index falls on more than 7% , and 10 thousand keep action gold 4 big bibcock go up it is except 10 thousand divisions 5% besides the left and right sides, the others goes up all exceed 10% , be in in light of whole build regional floor. Week road expresses silver-colored international researcher in wot power leveling, trend of main area be issued to lower levels does not change, investor can meet industry of small position benefit from benefit from spends the industry bibcock firm that elevate centrally. Responsibility edits: NF045

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