Monday, March 12, 2012

wot power leveling also carried out in several steps for. Jia Kang - VFK

129756477901718750_303 <a href="">world of tanks power leveling</a>On March 5, the Chongqing Mayor Huang qifan, said the proposals this year opened the pilot or more city property taxes in the country. Real estate regulation should also be administrative, steering economic levers of control. Huang qifan, believes that regulation to consider real estate tax wot power leveling, financial loans and other means world of tanks power leveling, play a role. Year pilot project of Chongqing real estate tax, Huang qifan, pointed out that, Over the past year, declared a month, 97% are received. At the same time, sharp drop in the sale of luxury rooms, this is a better market orientation of Chongqing exploration it is effective for national success. For this, Jia Kang, Director, Institute of fiscal Science Department on March 3, in the "Twelve-Five" period, property taxes will certainly promote more cities, but it is a gradualCheng, also carried out in several steps for. Jia Kang, said the current property taxes in the correct direction. In controversial cases, the departments concerned to seize the time to sum up experiences and promoting programmes in other parts of the design. Restriction policy is merely a means of last resort, so there will be dynamically adjusted. On the root of the problem is, or should be to promote a property tax. Finance Minister Xie xurenDisclosure, property taxes, business tax reform is currently being summing up experiences, exploring the next step to expand the scope.

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