Thursday, March 22, 2012

diablo 3 gold in total there was a meeting. Dou Wen Tao - ZCH

129756477769218750_35Summary: recently, United States I Believe I Can Fly ' suing basketball Michael Jordan sports company in China, considers that his violations of the rights to his name. Proview also in Shenzhen, China sued the United States iPad violated the right to have their names because its initials iPad nicely. Facing this war for more and more names, Leung Man Tao feels that says, "I was beginning to think I am facing now is thatFrom small to large to accept the status of education of all kinds are in Subversion. "He believes that today's society had their names on it more and more difficult for responsible. Liang Wen Road: overthrow my common sense in mainland China on March 6 of the Qiang Qiang people of Phoenix, following is a text record: Dou Wen Tao: the Qiang Qiang people, what you have just said that the Chief like Lei Yue Mun, I thought you were saying theyA goldfish? Liang Wen said his now living in Hong Kong's House, there was a carp pool, the CARP pond she was amazing, he keeps those carp are very beautiful and will listen to his words, he walked over to shout their name, some will be surfaced, outcrops out to touch him, have you ever seen a touch of Lei Yue Mun. Dou Wen Tao: Yeah, you in that harvesting is often frustration over there diablo 3 gold, in front of the fishAvailable for Grand and powerful, I said that we're speaking of topics, often with power relations, and shares the name, recently I feel that Jordan has a Word, let me also tilei cross flow, no, no tilei cross. Liang Wen Road: what's wrong? Dou Wen Tao: Jordan is not in there, now United States that Jordan of Jordan against China, saying China has a company called Jordan Sports against themViolations of the rights to his name and I think old Jordan is now a little fat, old Jordan has spoken a Word, I think the world is there such a person, he said that a name is he of all people, I'm sad. Might actually be, I suddenly realized that the name some people in the world were everything to him, all his life, reputation, all the fiscal deficitOn the rich architecture in the name, so his name really tight, and this name is still a power. You see there are associated with this, I noticed that a lot of news, Lin Shuhao is the consciousness, or others at Harvard, now the first in the United States registered English forest is what? Liang Wen Tao: Linsanity. Dou Wen Tao: Lindley mad. Xu ZiEast: Lindley mad, but this very well. Liang Wen said Taiwan's translation. Dou Wen Tao: now look at the great market of China, when the Chinese when he went to register, suddenly found that he was late. Xu zidong: has been off. Dou Wen Tao: I told you that smart people, an owner of Wuxi, insight than any NBA talent scout, this womanLin Shuhao registered trademark or the name of the boss is not in this year, last year, when the female boss in the game, the owner last name risk, danger of the corn poppy, corn poppy when watching the game, see Lin Shuhao. Liang Wen Road: not in the pool. Dou Wen Tao: not in a pool, not the Lei Yue Mun, is a carp jumping Dragon carp, so she went to Lin Shuhao is registered. Xu zidong: I think you said that man was on the field, everyone all the way through it, so it did not leak at all? Liang Wen said: this situation a lot. Dou Wen Tao: Shanghai. Xu zidong: I am not from Shanghai. Liang Wen Road: many such enterprises in China, you know that many companies, such as foreign investment, Taiwan, Hong Kong or mainland China mainland, usBoss what to register, and find names to people diablo 3 gold, to do it, because there are so few companies now, he does not do anything else, all of his industry is quickly rush he wanted name. Xu zidong: you don't know, Hong Kong has a single story, was originally written by a Professor of translation Center, said of the garden after political and economic, that fiction is to say this,Said Miss back garden with a Beijing-examinations of young people on dating, dating after the Cloud and rain with him love, and o when sending him the money. This novel looks very ordinary, right, until finally the emergence of this novel of new ideas, the man was gone diablo 3 gold, her servant girl brought out a roll, she said Miss, this is the 80th, you send thisHow many remember, what's his name, where local people, there is a bar, understood not. Dou Wen Tao: really. Xu zidong: in total there was a meeting. Dou Wen Tao: recently there is a great deal of news, is the Proview, Shenzhen Proview, against iPad Apple, some of them say that Proview is biting on the Apple, the case in the proceedingsWe inconvenience any views, but it set off in many cities, iPad with the Court's decision, while on the shelves, shelves, said ban, are not allowed to sell off the shelves as soon as possible, and said lifting on the ban and, in the course of this case, we do not judge who is who. But I noticed that Chinese netizens are very interesting,Ordinarily it Zhuang Wei of China, not your United States old come to our cottage, now we also tell you the infringement, but what I see on Twitter, touch ceramic are they talking about, do you know what touch porcelain? Liang Wen Road: I don't know. Dou Wen Tao: do you know what touch porcelain? Xu zidong: I know, is that you are a poor, to hit a car,But this is a bit wrong, Proview is not extensive cultivation, original iPad is the abbreviation of the name, initials. Dou Wen Tao: is a coincidence. Xu zidong: is Apple hit it. Liang Wen said: I feel specially. Dou Wen Tao: but Apple would have found it's name after she was told: it 's, they used it for a low price, to Taiwan agents,It's Taiwan branch, take them down, he now to say that Taiwan power of the branch could not buy, you know, it the iPad earlier than the iPad, it is not really touch the porcelain, old men and women there, your expensive car to hit me. Liang Wen Road: the iPad and it refers to a zuotai computer. Dou Wen Tao: yihou weRecommends that the scientific genius who invented something, simply call the Qiang Qiang people, fine. Liang Wen said: we do not charge money, love to use, but I think what is now China has become, you have just the name, I began to feel I face now is, from small to large to accept the status of education of all kinds are in Subversion. We are from small to large, for example education received isYou to name responsible of you, and then we the people media, rich is responsible to himself, to the duty of expressing criticism or opinion during tenure of Office, but about the name makes you think, you are getting harder to their responsible. Dou Wen Tao: what? Liang Wen said: because they are not their own, before this morning, for example, if I come, have a friend call me, say TwitterSee on there is a person called the HK wonders, many sensitive comments photos and say you really cool Ah, now seem to have someone staring at you. I say there is such a thing, he said, you were brave, I said I'm not that brave, engaged for a long time only to find it wasn't me, sometimes I also recently found that reporters saying what you said, I said what I said when this。 Or that what is said in your program, but all are gone, and left one sentence, Twitter is only 140 characters, and finally to a point where we now everyone's comments I found with name, separating out all about it, your name is easy to float around. Others:

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