Thursday, March 22, 2012

tera gold 999 - ATL

129764786837968750_153Recently, the press has reported that diablo 3 gold, less than two years experience in investment investors may not be able to participate in second board stocks traded. Certified gem account opening conditions do not change. But it is worth noting that is, based on the risk and return characteristics of the gem, GEM investors of appropriate management should pay attention to. "Gem account opening conditions do not change, in accordance with the established conditions to open an account to open an account. "The Shenzhen Stock ExchangeSaid. From the reporter asking the four major brokerages and a small brokers who, gem account opening conditions do not change. "Our account opening process so far has not changed and remains in accordance with legal procedures to perform. "China Merchants securities (600,999, unit) yitian road sales department head, gem account in accordance with the regulations, after two years of investment management investmentAnd investors in less than two years, any difference in the risk assessment process, and from gem opened to date, account opening and adequacy of management has been strictly enforced. "If the two years ' investment experience diablo 3 gold, and investment experience investors in less than two years the process of opening a different, did not say that the investors of not less than two years experience in investment accounts. Only appropriate managementTo do in place. "Another major securities head of Sales Department of Shenzhen said. "We have received notification, called for strengthening of the growth enterprise market investors of appropriate management. But this is mainly targeted at individual investors is not strictly gem of appropriate management of Sales Department, has not received the notification to tighten the conditions to open an account. "Former head of State said. According to the current gem account opening process, Before opening, investors should be an objective assessment of their risk tolerance, carefully decide whether to apply for opening the gem market. Company opened the gem market and investors on the securities trading applications. Accepting investors should go to sales department on an application to open an account. Investors to securities companies should be providing my identity, property and income, risk appetite, and other basic information. CardCoupon companies based on investors ' risk-taking capacity for evaluation and assessment results inform investors. If your risk tolerance is weak, investors should carefully consider whether to participate in the gem trade. Investors in accordance with the requirements to securities Sales Department of the company signed risk revealing book, do not have two years experience trading investors should also take "special statement". Do not have twoYears experience of investors, does not tera gold, in principle, to encourage direct participation in the gem trade. If investors to carefully assess their risk taking ability stick to apply, you must be signed in the business field as required of the gem market risk revealing book, and volunteered to take market risks take "special statement". Securities companies after the 5 day for open transactions. "But the valueMust be some business does not appear to actively implement the investors of appropriate management. "Previously mentioned large-head of Sales Department, but this mainly occurs in a number of small brokerages, in the case of competition more fierce, compete for customers and to increase the volume, no attention to venture capital investors of appropriate management, it is recommended that investors choose to open an account is responsible for brokerage. "BecauseRisk-return characteristics of the industry, investors of appropriate management should pay attention to the gem. ����"The foregoing Shenzhen Stock Exchange said. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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