Sunday, March 18, 2012

tera power leveling the second isModern Western. If defined for each citizen - DZZ

129742938772187500_45"The United States, the New York Times website on February 16 article" question: why China's political model is superior (author Li Shimo, Shanghai became the Fund's founder partner) many people are into competition between the two powers was the conflict between democracy and tyranny. But this is wrong. United States and China are simply different ways of looking atTheir political system: the United States think that democracy is an end in itself, and China were of the view that its present form of Government, or of any associated with this political system, is only a means to achieve greater national goals. On a history spanning thousands of years of human governance, there have been two important test of democracy. First in Athens, which lasted one and a half centuries; the second isModern Western. If defined for each citizen, one vote democratic, United States democracy was 92 years old.   In practice, if starting from the voting rights act of 1965 by only 47 years old, compared with most of the dynasties of China, to be much short-lived. So, why do so many people claim that they have found the ideal political system for all mankind,Its success will never be safe? Answer on the source of the current democratic experiment. It to the European enlightenment as a beginning. At its core are the two basic ideas: individuals are rational, and is given the inalienable rights of the individual. Both of these beliefs laid the foundations for modern secular beliefs.   Ultimate political expression of this belief is democracy. At the beginning of thePeriod of democratic thought in political governance to promote the industrial revolution ushered in an unprecedented period of economic prosperity and military power of the Western world.   However, at the beginning of, some of the campaign leaders have realized that embed a fatal flaw in the test and tried to be curbed. United States Federal advocate stated, they established a Republic, andIs not a democratic country, and instruments were designed to limit the public opinion.   However, just as in any religion, faith proved beyond the rules. Enlargement of the scope of civil rights led to a growing number of people to participate in a growing number of decisions. As Americans say: "is the future of California.   "And that means endless referenda in the future, paralysis, and bankruptcy. In ancientGreece Athens, continuously improve the people's political participation lead to rule by virtue of incitement. In today's United States, money is the great promoters of the Hoodwink. As said by A. Michael Spence diablo 3 gold, Nobel Laureate and Economist, United States from "every interest, every man, one vote, one vote per person to one dollar, one vote". Measured by any standards, United States is aThe Constitutional Republic exists in name only. Elected representatives do not have their own ideas, when seeking re-elected, they show the response to the whim of public opinion.   Controlled by special interest groups, people vote for lowering taxes and increasing government spending, sometimes even support the war lead to self-destruction. Therefore, competition in the West and China is not democraticConfrontation and tyranny, but conflict between two fundamentally different political views. Modern Western peak in the development of democracy and human rights as humans.   The premise of such a belief in an absolute belief. The daolue is different in China. If you get citizens more involved in political decisions beneficial to economic development and China's national interests tera gold, China's leaders are prepared to do, as they have inAs done in 10 years.   Stability and create a generation of China's economic growth and prosperity, thus promoting the status of China's access to the world's second-largest economy. The fundamental difference of views between Washington and Beijing tera power leveling, political rights are God-given and therefore is absolute, or whether it should be considered according to the country's needs and conditions to be negotiatedThe right. Seems increasingly unable to reduce democracy in the West, even when their survival may depend on the changes as well.   In this sense, today's United States similar to the former Soviet Union, because in that year, also believed that their political system is the ultimate goal of the Soviet Union. History on United States roads omen ominous. In fact, based on the beliefs of ideological arroganceFalling cliffs may soon have a democratic system.

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