Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera power leveling strengthen the coverage of the nationwide network of stores - NOK

129773928535625000_161Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund market for micro-blogging news blog live small company stocks the major new share placements by gem new third sector brokers New York themesBulletin deal prompted the financial calendar of earnings release memo block trade in thousands of shares of financial market Center collection of funds flowing to new share purchase financing microblogging hexun.com daily limit of the unit gather Forum pioneer financial management training placements by > body font size print RSSMarch 27, 2012 from: hexun stock on March 27 news, the retailer's year ended on December 31, 2011 results are released today. Company's listed company profit of RMB 1.84 billion attributable to owners of the parent company, 6.21% 1.962 billion lower than a year earlier, some salesRevenue amounted to 59.821 billion yuan, an increase of 17.5%, and gross profit of 10.859 billion yuan, an increase of 16%. During this fiscal year, GOME group same-store sales grew by 3.1%. At the end, listed company opened a new store in GOME 282, close inefficient stores 29, total of 1,079 stores homeAnd launched 40 new Trojan "new hall", completed 661 existing stores of "new model store" transformation. In mainland China, the Group also has 595 non-listed stores and 63 Beijing dazhong electrical appliance stores, these stores are listed on the company's management team of the company management, business performance and listing stores flat. During the reporting period, GOME group operationsStores totaling up to 1,737, covers 416 cities throughout the country. During this fiscal year, the Group stressed that benefit developed simultaneously with the network of stores, to further expand store network coverage, deep reform of secondary markets and stores at the same time, group of successful implementation of the new ERP system, optimize the supply chain and logistics chain, developing electronicMulti-channel operation capabilities, such as reinforcement of business 3C business, promoting business cooperation with Telecom operators, further deepen the differences of management and continuous promotion of ODM, OEM system building, to enhance the overall profitability of the group. In terms of strengthening 3C, through store terminals to improve, to improve the customer experience through the transformation from brand management to real goodsManagement, continuously enriching 3C catalog tera power leveling, increased 3C commodity parts, while powerful channel advantage, promoting business cooperation with Telecom operators, improved 3C the sales and profit gains. In the area of electronic commerce, further expansion into the group, form a company online shop and koubba dual-brand shopping network layout. Both share groupProcurement, logistics, information, services, and benefits, and through online and interactive sales growth. In addition to the initiatives in the field of e-commerce, the company also implemented ERP Leader leader in November 2011, a comprehensive project. Implementation of a new ERP system management to a single store tera power leveling, Board case, single. New systems have managed to create a comprehensive monitoring,Control and budgetary system tera gold, achieve optimal allocation of resources, optimization of cost control, and increase the operating efficiency of the group. From a strategic point of difference in its management and full use of the advantages of scale, the company continues to explore opportunities to cooperate with international well-known electrical appliance brands, at the same time to push the primary or exclusive, custom, OEM, ODM and commodity parts variety of modes, including pushDifferentiation strategy of cooperation with important suppliers. In September 2011, the group became Electrolux in the world's most important air conditioning sales partners. GOME and Electrolux also signed a 5-year cooperative agreement to expand product range to kitchen utensils and other household appliances. Co-operation agreement and the company's Super mass difference of products of other manufacturers including Dell, Samsung, LG, Sharp, Sanyo, and the United States. GOME Chairman Zhang Dazhong said the group will continue to implement the five-year strategic plan, with same-store growth in line with the principles of both Web development, strengthen the coverage of the nationwide network of stores, improving and perfecting the pattern of existing stores, and accelerate store management efficiency improvement, guide the development of fast and smooth, making Gome Electrical Appliance retail businesses with global competitiveness. Others:

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