Monday, April 16, 2012

tera power leveling resources - DMH

129788662308906250_7The State Council: never let real estate regulation occurs repeatedly 13th chaired the Executive meeting of the State Council Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council, analysis of the economic situation in the first quarter, study and plan the next phase of the economic work. Conference pointed out that China's current economic overall smooth running. First-quarter gross domestic product growth of 8. 1%, consumer prices rose 3. 8% industrial production growth, structural adjustment, actively promote, agricultural production situationGood summer crop growth better than perennial; basic balance of import and export trade tera power leveling, fiscal and financial running smoothly, national public revenue grew 14. 7%, spending rose 33. 6%, people's living standards continued to improve, new jobs in cities and towns of 3.32 million people, per capita disposable income of urban residents and actual after the peasants ' per capita cash incomes in real terms increased by 9. And 8%�� 7%. In March rebounded some key economic indicators than in the previous two months, confidence in the markets stabilised, the manufacturing purchasing managers ' index rose 4 months in a row. Generally speaking, our economic fundamentals are good tera power leveling, growth at reasonable intervals; has great potential for economic development, macro-control policies have greater room for maneuver. Conference pointed out that economic and social development in our countryFaced with many difficulties and challenges. The international financial crisis not over, also does not address the fundamental problems of the European debt crisis. Run downward pressure in the domestic economy, price pressure persists, financing difficulty of small micro-enterprises are still fairly prominent, export industry is facing increasing difficulties. We must see the advantages and positive factors, firm confidence in the economy, to keep clearAwake mind, observation of cool tera gold, calm, rainy day. Adhere to the steady improvement in, correctly handle remains steady and rapid economic development, adjusting economic structure and managing the relationship among inflation expectations. Strengthening of policy reserves allow policy space, preparing well for dealing with difficulties and challenges, and firmly grasp the initiative in economic work. The next stage has made arrangements for the work of the Conference. (A) To continue to strengthen and improve macroeconomic regulation and control. Strengthening the management of aggregate demand, preconditioning in time fine-tuning, further improve the targeted, flexible and forward-looking policies. Seize the time to implement and improve structural tax cuts, expanded business tax levying sales tax pilot industries and area coverage, increase support for the small micro-enterprises. Monetary policy should take into account the promotion of stable and rapid economic development, maintaining price stabilityAnd guarding against financial risks, more attention to meet reasonable financial needs for the development of the real economy. (B) the expansion of domestic demand. We must unswervingly expand consumer demand, to keep a modest investment, improve the quality and efficiency of investment. Ensure that capital needs major national construction projects under construction, pushing the "Twelve-Five" plan major projects implemented on schedule. Strengthening rural and WesternRegional infrastructure, municipal engineering, railway, construction of energy-saving and environmental protection. Strengthen the construction of undertaking industrial transfer model in Central and Western District. Breaking them, and broaden access, stimulate private investment activity. Strictly regulate the financing of local governments, continue to properly clean up the stock of debt of local governments, to have the ability to repay the project continues to be supported to prevent funding strand. Perfect promotionConsumer policy. (C) efforts to achieve agricultural good harvest. Implementing a strong agricultural policy benefiting the rich peasants, grasp the summer grain production, organized in spring for spring farming work, and strengthening the prevention and control of diseases and pests, improve the "shopping basket" productive capacity, ensure effective supply of main agricultural products. (D) to keep the overall price level stability. Improve the flow of policy and the cities residents ' necessities of life reservesTo promote agricultural products prices running smoothly. Protect the supply of domestic oil products market, keeping prices relatively stable. Strengthening the market price regulation, safeguard the normal order of the market. (E) to maintain steady growth of foreign trade. Seriously implement the stability of trade policy measures, speed up the progress of the export tax rebate, actively supports companies to enter emerging markets. Actively expanding imports, promotion of imports and exportsScale development. (F) accelerating industrial restructuring and upgrading. Increased support for innovation and upgrading of enterprises, investing in the technological transformation of enterprises. The full implementation of the "Twelve-Five" comprehensive programme of work in energy-saving emission reduction, promoting resource conservation and environmental protection. (VII) consolidate the results real estate market regulation. Never waver in adhering to the real estate regulatory policy, would never allow control appears anti-Complex. Take effective measures to increase the ordinary housing supply. Promoting the construction of affordable housing, improving the facilities for public housing, affordable housing. (H) to protect and improve people's livelihood. Strengthening employment and social security work, linked to the implementation of social assistance and security standards and price linkage mechanism, ensure basic living of needy people. Doing new rural social old-age insurance and the cityFull coverage of the work of the social endowment insurance system of town residents. Speeding up the construction of areas such as education, health, culture, actively promoting the Equalization of basic public services. Requisition in accordance with law, safety, environmental protection and other acts harmful to the interests of the masses, maintaining social harmony and stability. (I) implementing key work in deepening economic system reform. Strengthen the overall guidance and coordination,Promoting tax and finance, resources, product prices, income distribution, health and other key areas of reform, to enhance the power and vitality. 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