Wednesday, April 11, 2012

tera power leveling China is hard to do as they did in 08 lucky shares crash Ye Rongtian - VKN

129773932882500000_5Review: Ye Rongtian: don't let go tera power leveling! Rate cut is coming! Sha Mengnong: stock market this year will certainly be nice Dong Shaopeng: curb the excessive hype of new shares need to ferret out "fake follow" Zhou Kejing: CSI 300ETF for the perfect carry open Cao Fengqi: high price-earnings ratio of new shares issued should be limited to Liu jipeng: Securities and Futures Commission to have the courage to axe Zhang Tingbin to yourself:China is hard to do as they did in 08 lucky shares crash Ye Rongtian: don't let go! Rate cut is coming! Don't give up, I must once again. All your effort and perseverance will pay off in 12 days, and support this return is only the Central Bank will announce a rate cut. Yes tera power leveling, they have sit. At last week's HSBC China manufacturingAfter the announcement has been described today's China has officially entered a recession, if central banks and currencies of higher level shall not be more stimulus measures as premier in two sessions on the Government work report when it comes to maintaining 7.5% growth this year will be nullified, and the best time to implement such a policy window is expected to be clear and bright holiday after the first weekend, Deposit and lending interest rates around 0.27%! It is hard to imagine this Administration's last annual meeting this year of economic recession, it is not the Government's usual style. And central banks are also not sold because they want to select a best time, that is what the Hu Jintao President visits South Korea, after returning to countries such as China and India. Hu Jintao visits four of the country's largest is becauseStable situation between the two Koreas, the impact of North Korea's satellite launch programme for the peripheral economies to combat as much as a small scale war, Hu Jintao before the return of the President does not have rashly implementing monetary stimulus of unpredictable factors will increase. Therefore, you see today to the market's trading volume than all of a sudden last week dropped sharply since the biggest reason is that based on this,Because all funds are now waiting for the final results, more prosaic descriptions we have to be patient, not lost faith. Once that confidence is activated by policy, so now all the pent-up buying will be pouring into the market, creating an enormous explosive force index rapidly elevating. If no accident Hu Jintao after the President returned at the end of this month the Central Bank quicklyMarket and make decisions, taking into account the cause of Ching Ming holidays, around April 6 to this policy adjustment is an important window, you must be clear about what this all means. Once again cut the deposit or interest rate cuts, it's not just a good, but announced in China will start again from the second quarter of this year to implement economic stimulus policies for the first time in 3 years, and thisEconomic stimulus policies will be brought to market by recycling a huge round of quotes, not less than 1000 points rise. I can tell you without reservation rate cut policy in April. This is the problem of the industry has reached a consensus only if you do not know, such a policy the first beneficiary is directly on resources stocks and consumption, many agencies are now inSecretly, quietly buying. Suning appliance and Yi Lite such a trend you will see both consumer representative stocks bucked up sharply today in the field of the most obvious reason is that institutions are coming know cutting interest rates in the industry, hurry up and get into these stocks to benefit directly. I told you twice, consumer stocks rose will not be incidental there must be a reason, The biggest reason is that policy. Suning appliance so that the weight of the plate as the first in Shenzhen stock, funds don't reached over 30 billion scale of the agencies will not have to carry him tera gold, and he can be a round of bucking the market to capital must be the background. People buy so anyone who has a background in crazy as a retail lot's sad to think that the stock market to go under, it isGreat satire. You can look at the history of the rise and fall of consumer stocks, particularly in the 07 08 09 this year of three-year stimulus, they rise and lead levels. Again, resources stocks as the easing of monetary policy will lead to a boom in commodities and their associated relationships will significantly benefit from, and if you can take a look at todayUp front plate corresponds to the market trend, the top two is the consumption of non-ferrous metals and with gratitude. Why would the concept of two types of funds to buy the biggest contract so prosaic today, this is the question you must be. Second, silent for a week after the military unit, is expected to be launched in the recent round of satellite market, please hold! Anyway since you have made it to the presentNot bad this time of 10 days, I am not saying that policy should not relax the market will not rise, but I think if you give up halfway, you will be chasing after the cost is 10 times bigger than you sell now. Each sell decisions are made so you must be careful and after considerable thought, special sale on now sell kidney! Not to sell, if you are a man! Don't put itHands together, let us go! Using these words to inspire your own, than what works! Yes, you can say Ye Rong adds call will not be accurate all the time, because the rise than fall hard I admit. You can say I'm yiyin, but you must understand that Ye Rongtian said to policy over the coming years and no one is ultimately not honoured! Politics is China's largestFundamentals of, just so! Sina Blog declared gold online: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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