Tuesday, April 17, 2012

tera gold according to reasonable standards for construction - ZLD

129788443038437500_211 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/tera/">tera power leveling</a>No matter how effective tera gold, for a time in the construction of affordable housing program in the country's size and speed, would be unprecedented. The Government by means of market intervention is expected by the public of the real estate market, affordable housing rental requirements of the difficulties on the one hand, on the inhibition of commodity prices have. Therefore, we believe that Government shouldGo all out, we must ensure the quantity and quality of affordable housing, but also in related system level speed.  The latest news that may introduce the Basic Housing Ordinance drafted after the completion of the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council to examine. Symptoms and effects of subsidized housing construction, is essential for the healthy development of the property market. It is understood that this is drafting ""Drop a feature on affordable housing, legal status, such as provisions relating to principles tera gold, on the protection of" equitable allocation "and ways and paths of the withdrawal mechanism, and related provisions.  Also includes a "profit-making space for the protection of housing limits or even completely removed" content. As far as security housing, "Ordinance" does need to be introduced quicklyDegree. However, there is a problem is plausible, that is "affordable housing" is defined. Premier Wen Jiabao announced in early 2010 year 5.8 million units "affordable housing" scheme, started the year 2011 substantially raise the required building 36 million 10 million sets, 2011-2015 sets of affordable housing, "affordable housing" is always accompanied each time propertyRegulation in the new deal, a vocabulary of the fever is quite high. But, what exactly is "affordable housing", seems to have no clear definition. Has always been the default of "affordable housing" generally refers to Government-led, to solve the housing problems of low-income families in the special housing. However, some scholars do not agree with "affordable housing" the concept, because no internationalEquivalents.  Derived from "affordable housing" or "home protection" confusion is not just a dispute on the term, "affordable housing" in fact there is a connotation of not, is China's largest key to livelihood projects. Is obvious, "affordable housing" range is now covered by chaos. 1999 introduction of the measures for the management of low-rent housing in cities and towns stipulates: "townsRefers to the Government and to low-rent housing units in the area of housing social security function, with urban residents account for the rents of low-income families with relatively inexpensive regular housing. "This is the" affordable housing "of the source, nature in the" affordable housing "in the scope of, and later," affordable housing "is coming out. 2007 revised regulation of the affordable housing regulationsFixed: "affordable housing means that the Government provided preferential policy, qualifying unit type area and the selling price, according to reasonable standards for construction, for urban low-income housing difficulties home supply, an element of nature protection policy of housing. "If the" affordable housing "policy housing is a supportability, the future" public rental housing "and there is even less. According to the 2010Enactment of the guiding opinions on accelerating the development of public rental housing requirements: supply of public rental housing are primarily urban middle income housing difficulties downwards families.  Enjoy physical rental distribution of low-rent housing and affordable housing policy of the family, shall not be tenants of public rental housing. Definition of social housing in ever-increasingly complex policy interpretation, the so-called"Affordable housing", "limit", "squatter settlements reconstruction room" even more "small property" had also packed into the "affordable housing".  Connotation has repeatedly extended the extension continuously enlarged, most likely to the future allocation of affordable housing have many unforeseen consequences. Ambiguity of "affordable housing" to which we should name the time. We believe that the so-called "Affordable housing "meaning greater purpose is to meet the basic living needs of the residents, of its public, including affordable housing and social housing, and out of this category of" affordable housing "had better be removed, to cut off one of profit and rent space. School of management of Fudan University of China Chen Jie has called upon the Executive Director of the Centre for housing policy research should be "protection status", and that the only"Public housing" is the exact concept. Consensus is taking shape, Beijing has expressly provided for newly acquired jingshifang against listed for sale for affordable housing, public housing rental in Shanghai, experimenting with the combination, however, the future of "Ordinance" whether it will be "protected" strictly "public housing" areas of observation will be needed. Others:

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