Sunday, May 20, 2012

local government spending that money not enough flowers SWTOR Credits local government spending th

129809336089742500_1094Duiwaijingmaodaxue Professor, Department of international economic and Trade Institute of financial and tax Rong Zhen believes that tax itself has the role of automatic stabilisers, in times of economic prosperity, business profits and personal income levels higher taxes some more; when poor economic conditions, enterprises for profit decline, personal income is reduced, less taxes. Economic growth has a cyclical,What a body can't always maintain its high economic growth, China's economy has been slower to stage, taxes, of course, also to slow down. Director of the school of public administration, Renmin University local Centre for financial studies Mr. CUI Jun said, calculating diameter difference of culling statistical data, tax increases and the increase in GDP or should the appropriate match, which go beyond the latter too much is not aThe normal kinds of sustainable. Mr. CUI Jun said, in recent years a high increase in tax revenue has three main reasons, is a factor of economic growth, is the second factor increasing policy, tax administration is the third factor. From a realistic point of tax revenue growth in recent years, economic growth factors of needless. Tax policy, in fact so far in 2002 increased tax policyNot much, and instead cuts a lot, so the factors that drive revenue growth is not too large. On the tax administration is a factor in driving revenue growth, has played an important role. Early tax Department on the management of tax revenue has mandatory plans, which needs to be changed to guidance plan of development of the market economy, but even so, strengthening the collection and management of thePush up the increase in tax revenue growth was "instrumental". Ministry of Finance Bureau Deputy Director Liu Shangxi had previously written, from empirical data, when economic growth is higher than 9%, the growth in double-digit revenue growth, with growth rising faster economic growth; and when economic growth is lower than 9%, revenue growth would enter a single digit growth State, And appeared with the decline in economic growth and a more significant decline, or even negative growth. Revenue growth of this tremendous flexibility, and after a period of revenue growth this year has brought a great deal of uncertainty. Collection and management how to adapt the "slowdown" low growth era of taxation, tax department in charge of tax collection and management, what does it mean? In China, tax collection and tax lawRequirements tend to be two layers of skin, serious than tax rules, tax collection and administration of arbitrary large, level has a very large collection of "potential" to be tapped. For example, in 1998 during the Asian financial crisis, although affected by the economic situation, has issued a tax is also trying to finish the task. In 2009, due to the impact of the international financial crisis, revenue growth, "eight"Very difficult, but after tax systems throughout the "mining" tax, coupled with higher fuel excise tax policies, such as tax increases, finally managed to achieved growth rates close to the 10%. In Rong Zhen's view, any tax cuts at a time of launch, will always be a major premise of increasing, including foreign-funded enterprises income tax in 2006 "by two" merge, is the result of tax DepartmentRepeated calculations, although nominally domestic enterprise income tax rate fell, but revenue will not reduce, but also maintain it. Structural tax cuts in recent years too, purposes of at least to ensure that the total tax after the dishes do not reduce revenue, but growth slowed. According to Caijing reporters have learned, in the face of severe income situation in the first quarter income of poor County in Henan provinceIn doing everything possible to take measures to increase, led personally by the Secretary, district enterprises, urging tax compliance. Liaoning Provincial Finance Bureau Director Wang Zhenyu to Caijing reporters said from the stage, national tax income tax Department should be calm in the face of growing normalizing, and should not be on increasing use of collection and management tools manage expectations. Tax inspection has beenNormalizing, nominal space between the tax rate and the effective tax rate was no longer used SWTOR CD-key, so even if you dig potential, as increasing difficulties in obtaining results. Mr. CUI Jun said, although current revenue growth fell faster, but active signs of adjustment of income growth is fairly obvious. For current tax department,, and the pressure on revenue and not 2009 when so much affected by the international financial crisis. A tax expert believes that 2009 tax Department faces's top priority is the guaranteed income, complete the command task, and now complete the tasks for the year was no problem, but slow increase, the surplus will not have so much in previous years. On the collection and management of taxes, to adapt tax openTurn began to slow growth of the new changes. A western province to Caijing reporters said a tax official, tax Department's primary task is to tax collection, tax tasks as attention although the concept did not in the past, but the binding is, from top to bottom in the province were to break down the task. Tax period of low growth has come, for the tax authorities, "did not accept to take"Because long-term high growth is not a normal phenomenon. But how to adapt to the new changes in the new stage, the officials think it may take some time. Resolving contradictions while slowing revenue growth of income and expenditure, but on the other hand, includes many financial expenditures are a substantial increase of investment in the field of people's livelihood. In 2011, the national public expenditure has exceeded 100,000Billions of Yuan. In accordance with the budget this year, 2012 national public expenditure of more than $ 12 trillion. Macroeconomic weekly view of the CICC on April 23, a sharp drop in quarterly revenue growth, and overall economic trends are consistent, but the financial expenditure growth with the progressive implementation of the proactive fiscal policy, accelerate the trend. Bai Jingming said that in recent years China's financePolitical spending pressures of potential for expansion. Comparison of the financial soundness of China, there is no major problem, did not issue bonds in some countries mainly rely on road to offset expenditures, which is based on revenue growth faster, offset higher spending needs. However, with the advent of revenue growth inflection point, the financial balance of contradictions have become increasingly sharp. While the first quarter of the yearIncrease in non-tax revenue, but the last have a stable income. Financial expenditure only in "education into GDP4%" this to get funds allocated $ 2 trillion. And not just education SWTOR Credits, in accordance with the basic requirements of the public service equalization, many inputs in the field of people's livelihood should "spread around", will need strong financial support behind it. Wang Zhenyu said that people's livelihoodSpending has become more and more rigid, horses can only be done after the addition not subtraction. There is also a means of subsidies, some people's livelihood investments (6.68,-0.02,-0.30%) spread around blindly unrealistic conditions, leading to growing balance of contradictions, high income once disappeared, is bound to have consequences. In his view, takes this opportunity to people's livelihood can be put intoPolicy review and cleanup. Facing increasingly acute balance of contradictions, the foregoing tax experts said, should pay attention to preventing potential risks. He said that income in the past under good conditions, local government spending that money not enough flowers, income situation is not good, balance of contradictions could lead to problems is even more worrying. Because in the past,Governments to grasp the thought for a few measures of income, also caused a series of problems, such as a surge in local debt. Central income relatively well, and for local governments, tax revenue falling, strict regulation of real estate and land transfer income and related tax significantly reduced revenues more to make ends meet. On this if it does not pay attention to guidance and prevention, can causeSerious financial and economic risks. Rong Zhen also said that various local income gap is very large, below the income situation, to prevent and crack down on tax revenue of local government idea. The first three months of this year, the national non-tax revenue of $ 411.8 billion, an increase of 53.3%. Where local non-tax revenue 347.2 billion yuan, an increase of 50.1%. Rong Zhen pointed out, there are nowAn extreme case, scale even more than non-tax revenues of local tax revenues. The reason, the bottom line remains insufficient income, lack of tax legislation, only the use of executive power of new variety of fees. To a certain extent, tax and non-tax revenue developed a situation of this shift. Although more and more non-tax revenue into the pre-Computer management, but the transparency of the budget remains to be further enhanced. Macro-economic weekly said of the CICC, big contrarian promotion of non-tax revenue, a reflection of the economic downturn on local financial pressure, led to local governments rely more on formal tax charge of means to achieve fiscal revenues wow power leveling, increase the tax burden of the residents and businesses of the actual, and reverse-cycle operation of active financialDeparture from the policy principles. Wang Zhenyu believes that in the context of tax revenue growth, in fact, not only do addition, subtraction can do, namely structural tax cut, in order to enhance the vitality of enterprise, micro-economic stimulus. Take a moderate amount of tax cuts, due to lower the tax burden on the taxpayer, form tax "depressions", there will be a large number of producers, consumers, employmentTo activate running micro-economic chain, spur economic growth, and adequate economic activity and revenue with prerequisites and possibilities for your organization. Preceding a Western Province tax officials said that, from the perspective of tax reform, also wish to tax under the background of decelerating, continued to explore resources tax, property tax, and other tax reform of property taxes, further optimizing the tax system. (Editor: Cao Luç’ ) Others:

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