Monday, May 14, 2012

future competition in the industry will gradually tend to high-end products. SWTOR Power Leveling

129810431491562500_35Household appliance industry, stimulating new enterprises of light industry market competition On May 4, the Ministry of Commerce of the "consumer promotion month" activities came to an end, this policy is seen as home appliances to the countryside the baton signals did not play a role of markets. An interview with the business daily a number of people in the industry found that after the new subsidy policy is expected to fail, industry on policies of demand reduction. Not only that, but business by virtue of their own brands, channels and researchAdvantage, but more likely to "market competition", not more policy support. "Consumer promotion month" home appliance industry benefit from little over the weekend, Commerce Department for a period of one month "consumer promotion month" activities, current information and statistics on the activity. The daily economic news reporter visited Chengdu found after several large home appliance stores, as part of the activities to promoteOne of the industry, "spent months" policy on household appliances sales terminal penetration is not strong. Many stores, this activity needs to be reported to the application, and mainly at the enterprise level for promotion. From the viewpoint of household electrical appliance enterprises reflect the situation, perhaps not so pessimistic. Hefei Sanyo said one sales manager, to a certain extent benefited from the company "consumer promotion month" activities, high-end productionProduct sales, but the overall effect is not very big. Sinolink securities analyst Wang Xiaoying, the economic daily news said this activity only at the business level of Commerce, does not involve the State financial subsidy on consumption stimulating effect is not obvious, business sales are still continued the downward trend before. She also said that the activities cannot be seen as the Government's "Home appliances to the countryside "and the" old for new "policies of the relay. Light industry in the industry to stimulate new policy on April 19, the Ministry of Finance issued a document notification, home appliance trade-in system will close on June 20, the files broken market expectations for policy continuity. It is understood that since the beginning of 2007 performed at the phasing out of home appliances to the countryside policy, markets had expected,Is the policy extension, two alternative policy "relay". News that consumer stimulus of discussion on the relevant departments are in two main directions, a credit consumer, other subsidies for energy saving and environmental protection products. April launch of "consumer credit" expected has not been achieved, instead of Commerce launches "consumer promotion month" activities. One analyst said that follow-up mayThere will be other activities introduced in months of consumption. But as can be seen, on the promulgation of the new deal in the industry expect to gradually fade, "consumer promotion month" activity shows a weaker policy. Southwest securities analyst Li Hui told the economic daily news, and the popularity of home appliances to the countryside policy contrasts, the next Government may introduce meticulous policy, focused on promoting high end productsIs environmental protection, development of home appliances. Household electrical appliance industry is also gradually to high-end development wow cd-key, structural adjustment is now plays for household electrical appliance enterprises. Looking back at home appliance industry now, first-tier brands such as Haier, Hisense, the United States has strong strength TERA Gold, the Government introduced new support policy is not particularly eager to, but also hope that you can enhance competition in a market environment, industryLeader. "Market competition" line enterprise demand "and compared to the subsidy policies of the new, market-oriented enterprises more likely to compete. "Hefei Sanyo said, subsidy policies on the future of the market on the one hand certain" crowd out ", increase the intensity of wave; on the other hand, State financial subsidy policy of short duration and lack of bias, leading toCurrent industry cohabitation, failed to really achieve the purpose of the subsidies. It is. Listing of household electrical appliance enterprises has a certain position and competitive advantage. Li hui believes that first-line brand in China, and other famous enterprises have a strong research and development, product replacement quickly, production gradually for high-end products, absolutely oligarchs on the market more and more obvious. Key enterprise bargainingThe stronger. From December 1, 2007, home appliances to the countryside policy spread, to November 30, 2011 end of subsidies, total sales to the countryside to home appliances throughout the country of 200 million on sales of $ 457.6 billion, company has been rapid development. Qingdao Haier (600,690, closing price $ 11.99), Hisense electrical appliance (600,060, closed at 17.$ 70) 2009-2011 annual compound growth rate and 28.38%, respectively. However, these enterprises are not only sharp rise in sales and performance of fast-growing, channel extension, subsidence, and promotion of the brand. In the "old-for-new" and "home appliances to the countryside" during the first-tier brands take their channels moreFine more refined, and in particular on three or four lines of urban layout, basic has been covered, competitiveness and stronger. Therefore, these enterprises are more eager to get competition in the market. Sichuan Changhong (600,839, closed at $ 2.39) Minister of the Department, Mr LAU told the daily economic news, in the State's industrial structural upgrading, technological innovation under the premise of improving, itEffects of market competition to help enterprises reduce costs, achieve the intensive production, promote the healthy development of the market. Compared with subsidies SWTOR Power Leveling, they expect the Government's leading policies, raise trade barriers, eliminate small businesses, cleaning market. Wang Xiaoying, industry-leading environment conducive to enterprise development in the future, its brands, channels and has an advantage on the research and development capabilities. First-lineProducts have a good reputation, channels are increasingly improving, while research and development of leading enterprises of incomparable power of other enterprises, future competition in the industry will gradually tend to high-end products. (Intern Bao Chunmei also contributed to this article) Others:

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