Friday, June 8, 2012

"NorthLadder price out of residents of Beijing Diablo 3 power leveling "NorthLadder price out of r

129834176513858750_9In accordance with the requirements of the national development and Reform Commission, June 1 ladder price will be implemented throughout the country, but for now, multiple step price hearing had been held in the city, without giving a specific timetable for implementation.  Ladder electricity pricing can be implemented on schedule to become the focus of attention. In the author's view, implementation of key ladder price of residents is not a matter of time TERA CD-key, such as competent authoritiesAccording to a hearing on the proposal of the representative, perfect step-detailed rules for the implementation of the price TERA Gold, even with delay won't hurt. Residents stepped price this product is the optimal allocation of resources under the condition of market economy wow cd-key, on the basis of the protection of residents for basic electricity, electricity prices reflect market supply and demand even more, play the role of price leverage, achieving efficient allocation of resources. Thus, for the implementation of orderLadder most of electricity price and there was no objection, but on programme design and how to effectively conduct a reasonable consumption, promoting energy-saving mechanism, there is a big dispute. Price from around the ladder appeared on the hearing of the programme "busy" scene can also prove this point. I have to listen ladder price hearing Beijing residents. Ladder electricity pricing programme to ensure more balanced the interests of the publicBeijing development and Reform Commission introduced two sets of price ladder scheme, the first scheme is based on the guidance provided by the national development and Reform Commission, a covered 80% people, the second programme was to increase the population coverage of the first document to 83%. 25 hearing people come from various sectors, there are 17 agreed to the second scenario, but in addition to 2 hearing people from power companies, are on the programme theMany offers. "A document power too low should raised", and "three document of min method, on young office workers, and elderly life display lost fair", and "no considered electric heating user needs", and "should considered a table more with residents", these around hearing Shang frequently made of recommendations in here natural does not less, and from Beijing commercial cadre Management College of hearing people Qiang Lei more is said: "NorthLadder price out of residents of Beijing, introduced in June.  "Qiang Lei is apparently some excesses, but hearing some experts but rather provoking. For example step sets the price should be considered "differentiation" demand, because of the large differences between urban and rural power consumption, the programme set in urban and rural areas "across" is appropriate; electricity prices household ladder units for nuclearCount, but each may be a large difference in the number of families, how household demographic factors, these problems require refinement. Moreover, prices "rose" proceeds should be transparent. Expert advice, from setting up electricity prices in the electricity price rising income fund, in addition to "policy holders" and "five guarantees family taken care of by the people ' s communes in five ways" difficulties such as families with a certain amount of free electricity, a increase in income can be used for southboundFill power generating enterprises rising fuel costs and expenditures of desulfurization of coal-fired units, such as environmental costs, as well as renewable energy subsidies, modification of residential users, electricity expenses. In addition, the experts suggested that the price should introduce peak and Valley electricity price in ladder, a "ladder price TOU" combined mode, rational use of energy. Ladder price now only consider the total amount control of electricity, consumptionUsers may use "low season" to save electricity, peak in summer to have more power available, this will cause the peaks are high, low low, decline in utilization of lead-generator. Finished ladder price hearing has been held. Absorb all reasonable proposals to the competent authorities, perfect ladder price regulations, drive power better and efficient use. BecauseThis, if the rules did not fully perfected, would rather step price later launched and should not rush to launch. Others:

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