Friday, June 8, 2012

2011~2020 Rift Platinum 2011~2020 - ZEXO

129833923207296250_25Review: last year, the State Council promulgated the child development program of China (2011~2020). This year, the amendments to the criminal procedure law to increase the "juvenile criminal case proceedings". At the system level, set up for minors as a group of "umbrella" open bigger. However, is not aligned with it, in 1997 into the punishment of the crime of whoringHas long been reduced to a major loophole in protection of girls ' rights, and has become the individual officials and newly rich fig leaves and shield of the violation of the rights of girls, has been questioned in the Community (June 4, the China Youth daily) Pro: go whoring is just an illusion Kejie Li crime of whoring, from the 1997 criminal code changes when you set it as a separate offence, WaiAround the charges arguing whether or not the retention or abolition has not stopped.   For many years, a number of NPC deputies and CPPCC members have repeatedly recommended the abolition of the crime of whoring counts, considered to be having sexual relations with girls, should be severely dealt with the crime of rape. Whoring although it was classified as a crime, criminal responsibility to hold the go whoring and strong on the surface than its minimum penaltyRape crime of minimum criminal to high out many, but it of single row charges serious deviated from has "girls shall not be entitled to punishment sexual right" of global rule of law consensus, not only in criminal law internal appears contradictory, because adultery girls to rape crime on the, does not recognized girls of sexual punishment right, and "plug to" girls is property zhihou on became has go whoring, adultery who is became has clients TERA Power Leveling, girls became has prostitutes, on bearingRecognize the rights to girls sex; and this is also in the same legal system of civil law in a serious conflict. Because girls belong to the limited capacity for civil conduct at least in the civil law, and selling behavior is clearly not in accordance with their age and intelligence of the body, should not be legally recognized.   And had established the crime of whoring acknowledged ability to independently dispose of the rights of girls. The results andStatements, go whoring girls crime of appears Rift Platinum, apart from actually reduce has adultery girls who of criminal outside, more important of is, it serious erosion overall social moral, fuzzy social members is standard, both reduced has girls of moral shame sense, also makes adultery who produced illusion, think themselves is in whoring, themselves out has property, occurs sexual relationship is you love I may, fair trade TERA Gold, while and thisErrors related to the understanding also condoned the "pimps" wanton.   Even more serious is, "go whoring" in order to meet the needs inner metamorphosis, and more "pimps" collusion, mire, coercion and forced girls together "prostitution". Strictly speaking, in most cases, "go whoring" knows and should know that girls are not willing to have sexual relations with it, do notBy "pimps" threats and inducements, agreed with the purposes of the sex trade has reached the surface, essentially rape.   In recent years, such cases have been well documented by the ongoing "go whoring" illusion. Due to the democratization of the 1997 criminal law overhaul legislation when less is not open for public comment on the draft amendment to the Penal Code, we can't know crime of whoringHow rape (1979 Criminal charges of an independent crime of having sexual intercourse with a minor, incorporate it into rape after the 1997 overhaul) separated. From the perspective of legislation before, in the 1991 decision of the national people's Congress Standing Committee on strictly prohibiting prostitution clearly stipulates that "go whoring of the girls under 14 years of age, in accordance with the criminal law provisions on the crime of rape penalties."Why in each of the six years between" flip ", since there is no authoritative explanation. Clearly, the level of awareness of the rule of law and the legislation before 1997 and down compared to today, so we should not be too blame. Enter the rule of law has been the comprehensive development of China in the new century, and has entered into 9 added to modify the Penal Code, but there is no crime of whoringLiquidated, has not been able to be included in the Penal Code to modify the content, why on Earth is it? where is the resistance? I am afraid that there is a need for questioning. In society as a whole to strengthen legal protection for minors in the context of, have long questioned the abolition of the crime of whoring, responses should be given to the legislature. Hope the community strongly questioned the crime of whoring,Effectively cause enough concern and attention of the national legislature, the air don't let community voices become meaningless. Others:

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