Sunday, February 19, 2012

tera power leveling using new graphics core - NOV

129733877369690000_1261th page exploring the new generation AMD APU spring full of treasures comes at the beginning of new generation of AMD APU Dragon, resurrection the diversity, but the DIY market very little new information. In only a few focus, AMD black box available for a new k-series APU is a notable topic. To that end, this site has also been done in advance of the chip's overclockingTest one by one in the evaluation also mentioned there are a lot of features.  Avoidance will inevitably encounter problems in the tests, waiting for official answers. APU A8 represent the top of the series exist in the product, A8-3850 is until the market best seller, its integration of quad-core CPU and Radeon HD6550D gold combination of single coreMore was to put it down. A8 series launched overclocked processor A8-3870K, the chip and unlocked multiplier, so that the majority of overclocking enthusiasts can put full overclocking addict. Black box of 5,000 was a myth of overclocking enthusiasts will never we tested the overclocking than 10 seconds dreams! AMD APU A8-3870K of performance measurementHttp:// also means, from a market perspective, for AMD, APU A8-3870K appear, not only to further consolidate the high end market price/performance advantages, and no doubt more purchase options are open to high-end players, but also to theAPU in the market of products brings a more powerful fire support. On February 8, 2012, k-series AMD APU media communication held in Beijing huarong building AMD Office area, I also was invited to participate in the communication. Would like to take this trip by the way k-series APU leaves us wondering about. AMD President for China, Tang ZhideBy AMD for this meeting China's President, Mr Tang Zhide introduce k-series APU to Editor in Chief of the domestic mainstream media, it was roughly divided into several parts.  First, recall APU achievements of the course of development and six months to half a year. Second, cause germination of heterogeneous computing and future development trend of the third, the latest generation of APUIV of the characteristics and advantages of research and development to share, comparison test part v, 2nd page media questioning links review APU course of development and six months to half a year review of achievements of the APU course of development and six months to half a year of achievements made in the past more than half a year of time, AMD has indeed made some stage results, at the user end for at leastWe can see more cost effective products, and official product analysis and industry analysis. General Tang said, now AMD United States does an analyst conference at Headquarters, analysis of the main issues focused on APU product. Past this period, overall market movements and carried out a detailed analysis of the causes of, preparing for the APU publish annual reports。 Mr Tang Zhide and media sharing APU second problem is mainly concentrated in the course of the development of the heterogeneous computing promotion and application of the concept. Heterogeneous computing Sony publishing before as far as I know back in the PS3 when there is similar to the concept mentioned, generally should be the future of computing gaming products of heterogeneous computing is becoming an important development direction diablo 3 gold,Multicore multithreading is only a transition phase in the development of CPU. Facts have proven that today, two years later on the CPU in the course of development, have been from multi-core towards heterogeneous computing. Tang dynasty total in this session describes in detail the advantages and development trends of heterogeneous computing, PC he said development in the 20 year history of the solo performance competition to multi core multi-tasking ability to executeSpell. Function of single-core processor with increased performance, power consumption is also fast rising it is clear this is not in line with the development of the law, thus CPU transition to the era of multi-core technology. As early as in 2003, AMD is planning its next-generation processors, specifies and successfully developed the first multi-core processors. Organic integration of different computing architecture, each overlayAs a unified whole, significantly enhance the computing experience for users, because the CPU is a series of schema, are good at traditional applications. Application focus in graphics and video decode, need PC has a strong parallel structures to deal with computer when it needs a strong parallel architecture, this is exactly what the strengths of the GPU. Is also great for reducing power consumption and costsDown. 3rd page of the latest generation of APU characteristics and advantages of research and development to share most characteristics and advantages of research and development of new generation of APU share finished heterogeneous content, Tang dynasty general went on to reveal some of the content on the future development of APU. In 2005 tera power leveling, AMD acquired ATI successfully, start segment more understanding customers ' needs, according to cityEnd user application mode, developed a CPU and GPU of heterogeneous computing is going. AMD today put the CPU and GPU combination, while the GPU for general computing, are no longer just simple graphics or drawing, but lead the PC into the General computing era. Characteristics of the new generation of APU is still the focus of concern 2011 can be described as AMD tried to first step in heterogeneous computing application, released the first generation of APU heterogeneous processors, and achieved phasic results in the market. To today's various experiences from first step would be a very good application and improvement in the production of the second generation of APU, first priority is to intensify support for the field of application development, for example,The experience of previous years, AMD find a bottleneck effect of heterogeneous computing popularity, not comfortable is the developer-oriented GPU programming. Because the GPU with hundreds of stream processors, programming tools and Open c API needed, relative difficulty of application development. In order to promote the GPU applications development, optimization of AMD GPU architecture, programmerThrough a number of advanced programming language directly on the GPU, this allows more application on the market. In addition, the APU will do a lot of work in the power management of the next generation.  For the first generation of APU, APU in the second generation power management will be more intelligent and liberalization, intelligent overclocking the CPU and GPU for different applications. 20After 13 years, AMD architecture will make a significant improvement, the original split in the 12th generation of architecture, in the third generation of APU in the product becomes a perfect fusion of pattern, if the APU is the shell opened, with a magnifying glass you will observe that it is a whole regardless of you and me. Will also optimize system memory allocation improvements at the same time, CPU and gPU the shared system memory allocated by all is common. 2014 AMD will be extended to the whole heterogeneous computing system, using a familiar mix of CrossFire technology to achieve.  APU imposed an even more independence, will have on the overall performance of the system a little upgrade in performance. 4th axis Theatre 23rd generation of APU information exposesI focus on the second generation of APU information mentioned below (please understand confidentiality reasons not to release pictures) at this meeting is a very important aspect is the second generation of APU technology information, here is the summary diagram of the second generation of APU's product plans. We can see that the AMD's second generation of APU processor, code-named: TriniTy, GPU and CPU components in the schema have changed. CPU section will follow the bulldozer core replacement core;  HD7000 series of GPU part using the latest kernel. New technology features intelligent overclocking technology adds new, more powerful bulldozer core performance, using new graphics core, power design will enhance。 Lowest power consumption control less than 5W of power will be, if all official said. Inward on the tablets and mobile computer devices, second generation of APU advantage is clear. According to the information disclosed, has nearly 100 OEM manufacturers in new product research and development for this processor. Compared with the first generation of APU 75 items,Attract more attention. 5th pages split testing split testing DOME DOME links link AMD APU was also at the scene and tested platform with rivals not merely display competition part of the DOME, two platforms in a platform is a combination of Intel i5 2,300 gigabyte Z68; another is the AMD aGigabyte 8-3850 A75 platform. Two platforms are the native platform, did not make any overclocking. I released a few test link below the picture, looked more directly than said. Intel platform AMD platform for AMD platforms running at the 3DMark2011 benchmark software, field test results Intel score 573 min, and AMD platforms score is 722, 40% AMD's leading rival, in the practical game test, Intel platform average number of frames is also behind AMD's Crossfire platforms about 20%, and this was AMD 3870K achievements of the default frequency, if 3870K for overclocking, this gap will continue toLarge. 6th APU field-answers to QA the page field-answers to QA black box black box APU followed by QA a question and answer session, many questions focused on the latest and 3870K, and may have a great relationship and recent hot concern. Gathered in a number of well-known media questions: 3870K, 3670K, can support "double super”。  According to our tests, after 3870K overclocking performance increase is large, even stronger than the entry-level HD6450 of discrete graphics, AMD discrete graphics sales will be affected? Mr Tang Zhide: better overclocking performance I think it should be recommended that the user in the A6 series APU carry alone, you should select the HD6500 level of graphics to achieve doubleImproving the performance of.  If A6 series APU entry-level video cards, such as HD6400 alone, I think on the contrary does not bring much benefits to performance. Question: AMD APU launches k-series products that do not lock in, 3870K, 3670K, A4 performed very well in the market, AMD has any plans orK-series also launched in the A4?  Mr Tang Zhide: overclocking AMD Black Edition is representative of the past, A6, A8 is also a black-box version of the AMD products, represented in the high-end property market, while the A4 is the entry-level product, so in the future there will be no A4 k series products. Question: overclocking motherboard what limitations does not? Buy before the A75, A55 Board users, if you want to upgrade to the k-series tsw gold, have restrictions on overclocking? Mr Tang Zhide: A55 and the A75 boards are perfectly supported k-series APU, but if the customer wants to make extreme overclocking, I advise people to refresh the BIOS of motherboard manufacturers to provide as soon as possible, how much can you Super design the Board itself, in the General case, the rootAccording to the reference data, data provided should be super to AMD (3.5Ghz/900Mhz). Question: k followed with k series processor, Intel processor overclocked version of the back with k, what is the relationship between the two k? Black-box version of APU named suffix now why not continue Black Edition?Mr Tang Zhide: AMD marketing promotion has been using black-box version of the name, black-box version has a very good position, we see black box Edition know that we are overclocking the processor, AMD will continue to continue black box version of the concept, 3870K/3670K model, which is preserved on the APU box with actual sales of Black editiOn mark.  Commercial products in the tail number as to why the friends add k, I think it may be a coincidence. Question: competitors ' products display CPU and core part of dynamic frequency adjustment, but all of them are fused together, according to dynamically adjust their gross calorific value. If the next generation of APU also has a similar feature? Because the k-series AMD has mastered this technology, Dynamically adjusting without player intervention manual?  Mr Tang Zhide: you said dynamic FM in the first generation of APU, called intelligent overclocking, but was only against the CPU part of dynamic FM, to the second generation, in the release of new products in the second half of this year, CPU,GPU will at the same time intelligent overclocking technology. Question: I see the road mapLater in many products related to software optimization, are there any requirements on the operating system, Tablet X86 is for Android is Windows8, Windows7 can run? Mr Tang Zhide: AMD heterogeneous computing in addition to hardware, software is the most important part of the user, if the application is not found, it is a good frameworkNo significance. AMD in United States headquarters are a great team. Cooperation with independent developers in the world, describes the concept of GPU acceleration, heterogeneous, help them for product optimization. After new products introduced this year, ISP through advanced language programming will be simpler, just by way of open source in the past series GPU programs. Just mentioned Microsoft systems,AMD fully supported. AMD X86 has a distinct advantage over the past 30 years, AMD has accumulated a lot of X86, we now take the Tablet, also with X86 laptop, otherwise a lot of work on not, if you can put the power down later, X86 in the Tablet, we can only go out with a TabletComputer can work. Many friends like AMD on AMD's earlier published black box product of bright lights, and the simultaneous release of two overclocked Edition APU A8-3870K and A6-3670K can be viewed as the AMD APU in the series a good addition. It appears not only compensate for the AMD APU family of products andCompetitive price and performance gap between the core i5, and its good overclocking ability, and DIY market have a more fresh vigor. Current DIY market or the lack of such overclocking processor of the degrees of freedom is high, in simplified steps, they are also losing a lot of DIY fun. AMD A8-3870K better overclocking experience and DIY usersFun collection of very good together, this author is very optimistic about the future of the processor market. Others:

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