Tuesday, January 31, 2012

swtor credits unable to get playing time - GEW

129668763097031250_150Butterfly effect caused the end of NBA halt interest and strength is everything Information: NBA Champion Martin in the CBA's "home show". Mr CHEUNG's photography Zhongguo zhongxinwang, November 27 topics: NBA halt ends raised interest and strength decides everything reporter Liu Tong in the butterfly effect after 149 days and nights of long-saw and a millionaire and multi-millionaire who "can't smoke of war", and finally ran down the sentencePoint. Beijing time yesterday afternoon, the NBA Union employers initially reached a new version of the framework agreement swtor power leveling, 2011-2012 new season will United States officially opened on December 25 local time, originally scheduled for 82 games of the regular is shrunk to 66. A lot of media speculation, CBA Basketball League there is about a unit of the Chinese "NBA star returning wave". Prior to this,Under the influence of NBA halt,-a large number of star players rushed into the overseas market. Former champion show Kenyon-Martin joined the team in Xinjiang, his Denver Nuggets teammate J.R. �� Smith and Chandler also was to play in China. Yi has kept the fans concerned have chosen to return to the parent team, continued to champion dream fight for themselves. All this, you can call all NBA halt caused by"Butterfly effect". For many overseas leagues, NBA salary could not halt the inevitable stars go overseas, and this is a great opportunity to expand its own influence.����Though fans would know "small Buddha Temple" swtor credits, high card also will leave sooner or later, but nobody thought, the moment will come so fast and so is lost. CBA "the doctrine of" buryingProblems of a little over a butterfly flapping its wings and disturbed air, after a long time, it is possible to cause a storm far away at that place. For CBA, from the beginning of the first foreign aid Savenkov appeared, a huge "idea storm" has been quietly brewing. From 1995 until 2011, lasted for more than 16 years of professional Basketball League in China witnessA lot of foreign aid glory. Their strong body, advanced concept of basketball and the exquisite technology, not only conquered the home fans, also conquered the CBA's investors. Just by "China" difficult to obtain the Championship, it is necessary to introduce foreign players punch to go further--this is the consensus of many team managers. From past achievements, the role of foreign aid was "legislativePoles see shadow ", which also directly contributed to the CBA League too dependent on foreign aid"-ISM ". Judging from the most recent three rounds of competition, "foreign aid Corps" are five were scored in catching up with 40 points, can be called all the team's attack. Heavy state in Zhejiang and Fujian teams competitions, for example, the removal of a total of five foreign aid debut, scoring all up double. Among them, Yueshi��Buen and LuoPeter lieberson got 40 minutes and 45 minutes. In addition, the Qingdao doublestar Hudson is cut of 50 points. Apart from the keen "brush" attacking foreign aid, there are many players who are the core of the whole team organizers. Bbmg team Marbury scored the first three field not be prominent, but before this NBA "Street King of baseball" Organization swtor credits, Beijing baoleng over defending championThe army, currently ranked integral tops. Judging from the fact, strength of foreign aid, has even become a CBA team's "lifeline". A long time ago experts: strength too much foreign aid incursions by local leagues, is by no means is "Chinese basketball." Under the aura of foreign aid, many local small dapple of Apple can only sit in boredom bench, unable to get playing time, and have no way of forgingRefining their skills, resulting in lower leagues and national team levels. But what's a sigh is, many CBA team is still tirelessly upon foreign aid "broke", and get rich quick. When the NBA ended after the halt, structural hidden danger with the outbreak of the CBA for a long time. Borrow a popular phrase in the movie was "mixed, I fear, was to also. "Others;"Great achievements", I fear, not your own. Solution path: interests and power decisions objectively speaking League influence, almost CBA and overseas basketball leagues around the world are facing similar problems. But it is worth mentioning is that the local fans seem to be an exclamation point NBA foreign aid were incredibly high salaries and "live in villas, exclusive distribution cooks" luxury treatment, but little thoughtThis is the NBA real survival situation. Under the stern, President of Union is daring to ultimatums, dared to direct spending on players at the negotiating table, "insatiable", there is only one of the reasons: in the context of the world, no other basketball leagues and NBA rival influence and salary levels. In a unique "big cake" in front, both sides must benefitBenefits before the concession. In other words, the most outstanding players eventually will return to NBA--because they do not have a better option. At present, the CBA in terms of popularity, race intensity, wages are relatively backward, which is the lead NBA players frequent "work as a casual labourer" key reasons. A contract is no guarantee that everything more difficult to fill up foreign aid in culture, the environmentAspects and differences of the China League. Some time ago, lot arbitrarily dropped from the search wound after JR Smith was injured, and with the outbreak of Zhejiang senior "spat" event, side also illustrates this point. Although the CBA into a lot of NBA stars this season, also earned an unprecedented attention, but it's ultimately just "temporarily busy." Clear understanding of the local leaguesPosition, further standardize the competition advocacy and operations, and gradually increase investments, exercise local newcomer, this is the only CBA fundamental "of victory".

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