Tuesday, January 31, 2012

swtor credits easy group - PGN

129667864490459142_456By the new human resources magazine, easy to College of human resources and Social Development Research Institute hosted, easy group (CTG) and co-organised by China Academy of labor and social security, China Association of labor service economy and domestic labor dispatch Professional Committee provides academic support "the 2011 new human Summit Forum" after successfully held in Shanghai, Guangzhou, at 2011 gala held in Beijing, November 22. Ministry Vice Minister, Secretary General of the Boao Forum for Asia the original, Long Yongtu, Secretary General of the Center for studies of the Group of 20 occupational capacity-building, human resources and Social Security Secretary Wu Daohuai, human resources and Social Security Institute of labor and salary under Liu xuemin, Xie Chaohua, Deputy Secretary General of the CPPCC in Beijing Haidian CourtPresident of the Chamber of labor disputes, such as Li Chengrong relevant government officials and academic experts attended the event, together with the guests on "happy new decade economic and organizational change", "labor relations is the core issue of the wage income distribution", and other industry hot topics seminar. As the area of human resources, events, new human Summit Forum since 2006 was successfully heldA five-session, known as the highest level in recent years, most professional human resources forum. It is learnt that the 2011 new human Summit Forum on November 10th and 16th respectively, successfully held in Shanghai and Guangzhou, the Forum site can be described as unprecedented. Thousands of people from human resources and social security departments as government leaders diablo 3 gold, economists, HR well-known experts and scholars, Well-known enterprises CEO, Director of human resources, as well as from all walks of HR talent under one roof, common analysis on industry hotspot events, sharing famous enterprise case. The Forum to "happiness economics and Enterprise talent strategy" as its theme, adhering to high professional and authoritative specifications, style, experts, academics, business leaders who gathered in a church, with "happiness economics and EnterpriseIndustry development, "" happy talent strategy of enterprises in economic "," employee satisfaction and corporate competitiveness "expand depth of. 2011 is a new starting point for the decade China's economy swtor credits, but also "Twelve-Five" first year of planning. China's economy from the pursuit of GDP growth "wealth", to pursue harmonious development and people's livelihood-oriented "happiness theory". In the national advocates happy economicThe times, Chinese enterprises will shift from pursuing expansion in the past with people-oriented management and talent competition as the core, setting off a new round of wave transformation and upgrading. In talent competitive environment, companies first to retain talent, create an environment in which makes it the motivity of enterprises in market competition, promote the enterprise success in the competition. Therefore, in the new era of putting people first, Companies turned to the "happiness" as the ultimate goal of the strategic management of human resources. Enterprise talent strategy for happiness economy, Group CEO Lee Kyung Ho said: "with the changing of enterprise management, as an important resource to people, development of modern human resources management concept has become a modern business development a top priority. In this transition process, toMaximize happiness as the goal-directed human resources management should be pursuing the interests of the community, most as possible to maximize happiness. Therefore, in the new century, a new era of people-oriented, companies should be ' happy ' as the ultimate goal of the strategic management of human resources. "At the same time, this new labor Forum was also held" the best labor harmonious enterprise "award and prize presentation, aimed atPromote other related enterprises, as well as labor relations in China "happiness theory" management development of the concept. Reporter has learned that, as at present, the only internationally recognised and has a global service network of China's largest HR services provider, easy group for two consecutive years as the sole representative of Chinese human resources enterprises selected for the 2010, 2011, International Association of outsourcing Professional (IAOP) "global outsourcing 100 list (GlobalOutsourcing100)". In 2011, the group around "happiness economics" salaries and benefits of continuous launched the world's leading one-stop solution-easy pay, employee benefits management overall solution and the first to achieve comprehensive coverage of employee welfare demands a comprehensive e-commerce--Fukuoka, so as to service customer requirements as the Center, forming the industry's most comprehensive human resource management solutions and product line of business; around "Enterprise talents strategy" easy group to undertake a guided tour of Xian, 2011 world horticultural Expo project and become a Xian International Horticultural Exposition 2011 human resource specifies the service provider at the same time, around the "employee satisfactionAnd the competitiveness of enterprises ", also through the industry's first" satisfaction of tripartite condominium model ", successfully developed" employee satisfaction management curves "(staff well-being), and under the leadership of the Chairman of the Board and CEO Lee Kyung HO, have been held in Xian swtor credits, Shanghai, Beijing" employee care activities around ". In this regard, group officials said: In 2011, the group always revolve around "happiness economics and Enterprise talent strategy" the theme of development and innovation, forum not only to a one-year outcomes show guests, at the same time, groups also hope that through this session of the Forum, more successful cases and presented to the participating enterprises, and to promote the upgrading and transformation of talent strategy of enterprises so that enterprisesAchieving health, considerable development. Facing economic era of happiness, how to truly putting people first, how to keep employees "happy happy", became one of the core issues of enterprise development strategies. In response, the th new human Summit Forum a unique and authoritative perspective, to guest present interpretation of the opportunities and challenges facing human resources management in new era, and of expertsCollision with members of the industry thinking developed a new force in driving forward the development of human resources, for enterprises, management, integration and innovation of enterprise talents strategy brings good. Group profile: easy group is China's most professional human resources outsourcing service providers and related processes and continuous innovation, strive to attain the international leading level. GroupCustomer demand as the direction, to "people-oriented, and business and social win-win future" as the enterprise mission, bringing together industry experts, relying on a nation-wide service network, and powerful computer technology to support advanced Internet services platform, to provide personnel, wage and salary service, dispatch, industry leasing (BPO), recruitment, benefits and insurance, labor relationsManagement, consulting and training on all sides, at multiple levels, and efficient human resources services. Easily group was founded in 2003, currently in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xian, and Nanjing in China, nearly set up branch offices in major cities such as Lhasa and offices, covering more than 300 cities throughout the country and overseas Hong Kong, the United States set up a branch office. 2010,1 for two consecutive years, the group as the sole representative of Chinese human resources companies selected for the International Association of outsourcing Professional (IAOP) "global outsourcing top 100 (Global Outsourcing 100)", is currently the only international recognition, has a global service network of China's largest HR services provider. Easy group to PremierVision of innovation and internationalization team, the first-class level of strategy and operations management, social respect and trust of customers, competitive global benchmarking enterprise employees proud of.

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